Location 1
Hotel Tamis
Land size: 16,604 m²
Facilities: 7,633 m²
*not operational
Ownership: bankruptcy
Infrastructure: Electricity, Water, Sewage, Optical cable
*gas in close proximity
For sale
Location 2
Land size: 3.92 ha
Facilities: 6,935 m²
Infrastructure under construction
Ownership: city
For sale
Location 3
Hotel Sloboda
Land size: 1,598 m²
Facilities: 1,598 m²
Infrastructure: Electricity, Water, Sewage, Optical cable
*not operational / gas in near proximity
Ownership: bank
For sale & lease
Location 4
Brewery Weifert
Land size: 10,000 m²
Facilities: 7,298 m²
Ownership: state
Infrastructure: Electricity, Water, Sewage
*reconstruction according to conditions for cultural heritage monuments
For lease
Location 5
Land size: m²
Facilities: 6,000 m²
*not operational
Ownership: city
Infrastructure: Electricity, Water, Sewage
*gas in the close proximity
* reconstruction according to conditions for cultural heritage monuments
For lease